Shalosh Regalim

Shavuot uma das três festividades da colheita e peregrinação judaica: Ruth a judia por opção



Palabras clave:

Shalosh Regalim, Shavuot, Festividades Judaicas, Livro de Ruth, 10 mandamentos


Shavuot, together with Pessah and Sukkot, make up the three harvest festivities within the Jewish calendar, which in Hebrew are called Shalosh Regalim (שלוש רגלים), during which the Jewish people within the Nation of Israel went on pilgrimage to the Temple of Jerusalem and offering offerings, Pesach and Shavuot are closely interconnected festivals, many Jewish scholars state that Pessah is the beginning of a process and Shavuot is its end, as if they were complementary festivals. The period between the festival of Pessah and Shavuot, is known as the count of the Omer or Sefirat Omer, which is nothing more than the count of 49 days (seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuot), each Jew must recite a special blessing (found in the Siddur), and then mentions the number of the day. In each of these forty-nine nights, the desire and expectation of each Jew to receive the Torah on Shavuot is expressed, after experiencing and celebrating the liberation of the Jews from slavery in Egypt on Pessah. The research method was a literature review, we comprehensively covered these three important Jewish festivities related to the harvest, offering and pilgrimage to the Temple Mount, alluding to the ancient temple of Jerusalem in Israel. Shavuot has a specific nature of reading the ten commandments, receiving the Torah, reading the book of Ruth and the special Jewish diet and abundance for this festival. We will focus in more depth on the Jewish symbolic and cultural relationship of reading the 10 commandments, of the book of Ruth and the Jewish identity that Shavuot represents.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alan Freire de Lima, Logos University University UNILOGOS

Doutorando em Antropologia e Religião pela UNILOGOS.

Arlete Freire de Lima, Logos University International - UNILOGOS

Antropóloga pela Logos University International UNILOGOS (Miami, Flórida nos EUA)  Psicanalista Clínica filiada na Associação Brasileira de Psicanálise ABP, sob registro: 10.222


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Cómo citar

Lima, A. F. de, & Lima, A. F. de. (2024). Shalosh Regalim: Shavuot uma das três festividades da colheita e peregrinação judaica: Ruth a judia por opção . Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 18(34), 02–16.