Management of archivistic documents

situational diagnosis in State Schools in Minas Gerais




Document management, Document Management Methodology, Archival Documents, Information Recovery, Functional Dossier


As a result of the technological advances that society experiences, the processes and procedures used in institutions tend to undergo changes. Such changes are necessary and aim to meet new institutional demands, hungry for new tools and methodologies capable of improving their work routines and their respective processes. In this context, educational institutions are included, specifically, Public Schools of the State of Minas Gerais (EEMG) and their Archival Document Management processes. These institutions have presented difficulties in managing their document collections, namely, the archival collections produced by the Personnel Department (DP) sector. Thus, the standardized management is necessary, through procedures for organizing the server's functional dossier, in order to ensure safe access and recovery for those who need it. This study aims to present an extract of the situational diagnosis carried out in the DP sector of EEMG to verify the status of the management of document collections. It is believed that through the diagnosis, such institutions will be able to implement improvements in the process of organizing and recovering their respective collections.


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How to Cite

Management of archivistic documents: situational diagnosis in State Schools in Minas Gerais. Múltiplos Olhares em Ciência da Informação , Belo Horizonte, n. Especial, 2021. DOI: 10.35699/2237-6658.2021.37089. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.