What Can We Say About Passion? The Enlargement of the Sense in Lispector’s G.H.
Lispector, Peirce, semiotics, passion, firstnessAbstract
Abstract: The sketchy writing, composed of fragments, in A Paixão Segundo G.H. motivated the present discussion about the expansion of meaning in Lispector’s by what she called the ‘Crossing of the Opposite’, from the point of view of Peirce’s theory. By becoming more abstract linguistically, the author is able to reach out and describe sensations in order to intimately touch her interlocutor. The semiotics explains the approaches of the Brazilian writer to the quality of the objects, putting in prominence the dense problem that is to describe the phenomenon, due to its own nature. That is the case of the concept of firstness, linked to the instance of sensations. In order to do this, we walk the path of a simulacrum, from the concrete to the abstract, prioritizing the dimensional expansion of what is liable to make sense.
Keywords: Lispector; Peirce; semiotics; passion; firstness.
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