Italo Calvino’s Turned Page
The cloven viscount, translation, theater, Galpão groupAbstract
Abstract: This paper aims to present an analysis of the play Partido, performed by the theatrical group Galpão, from Belo Horizonte, and conceived from the novel The cloven viscount, by Italo Calvino. With dramaturgy by Cacá Brandão and directed by Cacá Carvalho, the show, perceived here as a translation of Calvino’s work, contributed to the reception of the italian writer in Brazil. From the text to the stage, creators worked on transforming the original text in such a way that allowed Galpão to surpass the book, subverting it in some way. The written word was translated into a language that favored actors’ bodies and life experiences. The translation was analyzed from the thoughts of Walter Benjamin, Paul Ricouer and Haroldo de Campos, highlighting the Minas Gerais group work as a poetic translation based on the production of the different.
Keywords: The cloven viscount; translation; theater; Galpão group.
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