Reflections upon transcription practice

and its relationships to interpretation in music and in poetry



Transcription, Translation, Arrangement, Interpretation, Work


Based on the evidence that the process of transcription in music and literature (particularly in poetry) has a lot common aspects and characteristics, the text searches in the theory of translation for elements which may strengthen the critical analysis of musical transcription. Some concepts, such as work,  originality, interpretation and authorship are discussed as fundamental in the understanding of the phenomenum of transcription. The close relation between  transcription and interpretation is especially pointed out, since it has decisive influence on the comprehension of the musical piece.


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Author Biography

Flavio Terrigno Barbeitas, University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Flavio Terrigno Barbeitas is assistant professor at the UFMG School of Music. Guitarist, he graduated from the UFRJ School of Music where he also obtained a Master's degree with the dissertation Cultural Circularity and Nationalism in Francisco Mignone's Twelve Waltzes for Guitar.


BARTHES, Roland. O rumor da língua. Trad. Mário Laranjeira. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1988.

CAMPOS, Haroldo de. “Paul Valéry e a poética da tradução”. IN: Limites da traduzibilidade, p.201-216, Salvador : Edufba, 1996a.

_________. “Das ‘estruturas dissipatórias’ à constelação: a transcriação do Lance de Dados de Mallarmé”. IN: Limites da traduzibilidade, p.29-39, Salvador : Edufba, 1996b.

HARNONCOURT, Nikolaus. O diálogo musical: Monteverdi, Bach e Mozart. Trad. Luiz Paulo Sampaio. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1993.

JARDIM, Antônio. “Sobre teoria”. Revista Brasileira de Música. Rio de Janeiro, n.20, p.49-53, 1992-93.

LARANJEIRA, Mário. Poética da tradução: do sentido à significância. São Paulo: Edusp, 1993 (Coleção Criação e Crítica, v.12).

SADIE, Stanley (Ed.). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians London: Macmillan, 1980.



How to Cite

Barbeitas, Flavio Terrigno. 2000. “Reflections Upon Transcription Practice: And Its Relationships to Interpretation in Music and in Poetry”. Per Musi, no. 01 (June):1-9.



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