
Registration in the system and subsequent access, using a login and password, are mandatory for submitting work and for monitoring the ongoing editorial process. Log in with an existing account or Register a new account.


Per Musi encompasses the main subfields of musical knowledge: analysis, musicology, performance, composition, music education, music therapy, electroacoustic and computer music, etc., as well as their interdisciplinary approaches.

Accepted: Articles, Reviews, Scores and Interviews. All works must be unpublished and at least one of the authors must have a PhD. For interview submissions, the interviewee must be included as a co-author.

1. Submissão

Authors must register and submit their articles via the link:, or view their submissions via the link:

The Per Musi templates provided below must be strictly adhered to when submitting work for the editorial process. Works that do not follow the established standards will be rejected and will have to be resubmitted.

Article Template (word) Article Template (pdf)
Score Template (word) / Score Template (pdf)
Interview Template (word) / Interview Template (pdf)

The following information must be in the journal's three languages and is mandatory for all authors at the time of submission, failing which the submission will be rejected.

  • Author's name as you wish to be published
  • ORCID with full address (
  • Institution, department, city, state and country
  • Email (of first author)
  • Lattes CV or website
  • Mini-biography.
  • Descriptors (keywords)
  • Text references
  • Abstract (up to 150 words)Nome do autor como deseja ser publicado

English is the preferred language, however articles in Portuguese and Spanish are also accepted for submission.

Submissions must include:

  • A separate text document is attached indicating the following information for each author: institution, faculty and department, city, state and country, iD ORCID and, in the case of more than one author, the role(s) of each author in the production of the article, according to the taxonomia CRediT .
  • Abstract (maximum 150 words);
  • Descriptors: Maximum of five keywords separated by semicolons, with capital letters only in the first word, except for proper names, for example: Rhythm and solfeggio; Arrangement; Harmony; Popular music; Ian Guest.
  • Text in MS Word with list of references (following Music Education Research guidelines);
  • Musical examples (.pdf or .jpg) and figures (.jpg) should be smaller than 1MB in size;
  • The authorship of the work must be included in the Template submitted for evaluation.
  • Articles should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words (not including notes and references).
  • The Score template should not exceed 2,500 words (not counting notes and references).

2. Preparing the text

  • Formatting: Use Calibri size 19 for the title, size 16 for the translated title, size 10 for the Abstract and size 12 for the text. Automated line spacing after each paragraph.
  • Spacing: We suggest following the Template. Text spacing: 0pt before, 10pt after and Multiple at 1.15. Add space after each paragraph, without indentation. The text must be justified, including references.
  • Spacing for footnotes: 0pt before, 0pt after, Simple.
  • Titles of works: Generic titles should be in italics.
  • Musical note names: Flats, sharps and naturals (bequads) can be indicated by symbols or in full (C-sustenuto, D-bemol, or B-natural).
  • Quotations: Use Calibri size 12 for quotations, with a 3.0 indent.
  • Musical examples, tables, figures, diagrams and other material must be included in the original document and also in a separate document with a brief descriptive caption (it is advisable not to exceed one line). All figures must have a reference and/or source.
  • References: They should be in accordance with the Music Education Research standards. Automatic bibliography applications can be used with this format.

3. Manuscript evaluation

In line with the Open Science movement, papers submitted for publication are evaluated using the open peer review system. Per Musi has made the SciELO document available at . Authors must fill in the document and attach it to the submission, certifying that they are in compliance with the open evaluation. A manuscript approved by two referees is considered accepted. In the event of a conflict between reviewers, the Editor may intervene and send the text to a third reviewer. The first author is responsible for the content to be published, for ensuring that it is original and unpublished, and for ensuring that the other authors are aware of the approved content and its transfer of publication rights. The evaluation stages are:

I) SUBMISSION: Desk review. Analysis of the conformity of the submitted text with the Template available on the journal's website, relationship between the subject of the text and the research areas of the journal and plagiarism analysis using software (carried out by the Flausino Vale Library at the School of Music of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil); Assignment of associate editor or guest editor.

II) EVALUATION: Assignment and evaluation by open peer review (where authors and evaluators are identified in order to establish a dialectical and constructive evaluation process). By accepting the invitation, reviewers declare that they have no conflict of interest with the authors. There are always two referees appointed, with the possibility of a third for a tie-breaker.

They receive a form from the OJS in which they score from 1 to 5 (1 for not relevant and 5 for extremely relevant) questions related to the originality of the research, contribution to the field, quality of the academic text, methodology and results achieved. The reviewers can choose between the following verdicts:

a) Approved

b) Approved with Mandatory Corrections

c) Rejected

d) Resubmit for evaluation

When Approved with Mandatory Corrections, the authors have 15 calendar days to submit the final version.

III) TEXT EDITING: After approval, the text is edited, which includes the active participation of the authors in the discussion of the results and possible corrections indicated by the reviews, whether of a normative, spelling, content, grammatical and/or aesthetic nature, with a view to improving the work to be published.

IV) EDITING. Final discussion with the authors in order to produce the document for publication (review and approval).

V) PUBLICATION. The publication shares, when available, data, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from it, according to the Open Science movement.

VI) OPEN DATA. It is recommended that the submitted research data be published in public repositories. This can be done when the article is submitted or when it is published. Per Musi suggests the list of repositories provided by SciELO: or repositories such as Zenodo or OSF

4. Preprint

We encourage authors to publish their work on web platforms and/or databases in 'preprint' or 'working paper' format before and during the review and publication process, as these actions can lead to productive exchanges and faster and wider dissemination of the published work. We suggest SciELO Preprints as a reference

The ideas expressed in each article do not reflect the opinion of the Editor, the Editorial Board or the Scientific Council.

5. Copyright

The author retains the copyright to the published article and the journal the right of first publication. For further information please see 'Open access statement and Copyright'.


Except where indicated, the content on this site is under a Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.


The names and e-mail addresses provided on the Per Musi website will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to third parties.