Sonorous Objects Agency


  • Rosângela Pereira de Tugny University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)


Amerindian aesthetics, Musical creation, Politics of aesthetics


This text aims at approaching the speeches of Amerindian specialists on nonauthorial origin of their music – in which the activity of listening occupies the function ofm production – and also to understand the limitations of Western artists whenever they try to collaborate with the forms of acoustic work which operate in these collective realities. Under the light of reflections made by Bruno Latour and Jacques Rancière on themes related to the politics of aesthetics, the notions of “production” and the breaches built by modern societies between nature and culture, the present study revisits the singular path of French composer Pierre Boulez as a way of dealing with the encounter between the artistic musical production of the circle of composer who write for concert halls with Amerindian cosmosonology.


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Author Biography

Rosângela Pereira de Tugny, University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)

Rosângela Pereira de Tugny is a member of the INCT-CNPq for Social Inclusion in Higher Education and Research. She holds a degree in music from UFMG, a PhD in Music from the Université de Tours (France) and a post-doctorate in Social Anthropology from the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. She is an associate professor at the Department of General Music Theory and at the Graduate Program in Music at UFMG. As a CNPq researcher she conducts research on the acoustic works of the Tikmũ'ũn peoples and their continuity in writing. She coordinates the project of documentation of indigenous sonorities "O trabalho da memória através dos cantos" (The work of memory through songs) with the Museu do Índio - Funai (Indian Museum). In collaboration with Tikmũ'ũn shamans, illustrators and narrators, she organized two books of translation of chants and myths of their ancestral culture - "Chants and stories of the spirit-bat and the hemex" and "Chants and stories of the spirit hawk" and was curator of the exhibition "Cantobrilho tikmũ'ũn, no limite do país fértil" held by the Museu do Índio - Funai. She is the author of articles and books published in Brazil, Portugal, Switzerland, France, and Japan.


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How to Cite

Tugny, Rosângela Pereira de. 2015. “Sonorous Objects Agency”. Per Musi, no. 31 (June):1-23.



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