Significance in Portals and the Apse by Celso Loureiro Chaves



Musical analysis, New musicology, Music and society, Celso Loureiro Chaves, Brazilian repertoire for guitar


An analysis of the solo guitar piece Portals and the Apse by Celso Loureiro Chaves (1997) is undertaken in this article. The analysis follows the principles of the new musicology, as put into practice by authors such as Lawrence Kramer and Rose Subotnik. The starting point of the analysis and its guiding line are the evidences left behind by the composer.


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Author Biography

Flávio Santos Pereira, University of Brasília (UNB) (Brazil)

Professor at the University of Brasilia - UnB since 1990. His work Sistema II, for solo flute, is recorded by Wilson Holanda, by PROMEMUS/FUNARTE project; Preludio, for piano, is recorded on the CD Compositores, by Universidade de Brasília, by Patrícia Vanzella. His works have been selected in several editions of the Bienal de Música Brasileira Contemporânea. Três canções sobre textos de Fernando Pessoa, for female voice and piano, were premiered at the XVIII Bienal by Maíra Lautert and Priscila Bonfim. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in composition at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, with a scholarship from CNPQ.


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How to Cite

Pereira, Flávio Santos. 2012. “Significance in Portals and the Apse by Celso Loureiro Chaves”. Per Musi, no. 26 (December):1-10.



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