The wonderful in Manuel Botelho de Oliveira’s poetry



Poetics, Rhetoric, XVII and XVIII centuries, Brazilian poetry, Music


This text explains how the poetry of Luzo-Brazilian Manuel Botelho de Oliveira (Bahia, 1636-1711) aims to build the wonderful especially through the consonances that provokes surprise, in a poetry grounded in analogies with the “music”, the “chant”, the “verse”, the “lyrical”, the “rhythm”, the “sweetness” - concepts present in rhetorical, poetic and philosophical treatises of the Antiquity, and that here become center stage of this poetic, far removed from Aristotle. It highlights how, unlike the ingenious concept, the efficient cause of the acute poetry, the poet emulator of Marino favors sonority in the Lira Sacra and in the Música do Parnaso, his poem book. The musical elements turn admirabile what the poems says, playing finezas (niceties) or singable manners of the plectro doce e fino (plectrum sweet and gentle).


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Author Biography

Adma Muhana, University of São Paulo (USP) (Brazil)

She holds a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of São Paulo. She has specialized in works about the seventeenth century, and has been invited to give lectures in academic institutions in several countries on her critical studies and the edition of sources from that period. Among them are the edition of manuscripts of Father Antônio Vieira, deposited at the Torre do Tombo in Lisbon, in Apologia das coisas profetizadas (1994) and the publication of inquisitorial funds in Os autos do processo de Vieira na Inquisição (1995, reed. 2008); his doctoral thesis, A epopeia em prosa seiscentista (1996); the unpublished manuscript of the Portuguese treatise writer Manuel Pires de Almeida, Poesia e pintura, ou pintura e poesia (2002); the complete poetry of Manuel Botelho de Oliveira (2005) and Os Infortúnios trágicos da constante Florinda (2006), by Gaspar Pires de Rebelo, also from the Portuguese Six Hundreds, as well as several articles and book chapters, in Brazil and abroad.


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How to Cite

Muhana, Adma. 2011. “The Wonderful in Manuel Botelho De Oliveira’s Poetry”. Per Musi, no. 24 (July):1-8.



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