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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editorial policy

Revista Docência do Ensino Superior publishes original and unpublished papers, hence it is not allowed to submit simultaneously to any other editorial process. After the publication in this journal, the papers can be submitted to other editorial processes, under the condition of providing a note reference to the original version.

Papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English can be forwarded to the journal. Every submission must contain title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Authors have exclusive responsibility for the concepts and opinions issued, as well as any element in their works (images reproduction, tables, citations, etc).

This journal preferably publishes works with up to four authors. At the submission act of the paper, the authors’ names must be informed. At least one of the authors must have a PhD degree. In the metadata of the submission, it is requested to insert in the field "Summary of the Biography" a mini resume of each author, with up to 60 words. In this same field we ask that are also included the users of the authors in the social networks Facebook, Instagran and Twitter. Please fill in the ORCID, URL (Lattes), Country, and Institution / Affiliation fields.

This journal does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication of the manuscripts.

The Revista Docência do Ensino Superior reserves the right to reject work(s) by the same author(s) when published in intervals of less than 1 (one) year, if we consider it convenient.

Period for Brazilian submissions: February 1st to November 30th.

Period for international submissions: January 1st to December 31st.

Assessment of papers:

All the submitted papers will undergo an initial evaluation, which contemplates: 1) Analysis in anti-plagiarism software. If there are any occurrences that may characterize plagiarism, the authors will be immediately informed and the evaluation process suspended. 2) Verification of all items listed in the Checklist for initial assessment of works. 3) Verification of the relevance of the text to the Journal's editorial line and scope. Texts in disagreement with any of these items will be rejected by the Editorial Board.

The next step is the peer review. The papers that meets the above items will be blindly sent to at least two reviewers (from institutions other than the authors), who will be guided by an evaluation guidelines.

In order to allow blind evaluation by reviewers , it is indispensable that the submitted version of the paper has no author identification, even in the text body, footer, references or in the file properties. In the citations and references of the authors' own works, only (AUTHOR1, year) must be used, without presenting title or other personal information on the publication, to preserve anonymity.

The result of the evaluation by the reviewers may be:

a) Accepted: the reviewer may, at their discretion, comment on the text or not.
b) Required Revision: the reviewer should indicate possible changes to be made before publication, with annotations in the body of the text and/or in an attached report. The text will not return to the reviewer, and it will be up to the Editorial Board to verify if the issues were resolved by the author during the specified period, as well as to determine the publication or not of the text.

c) Not Accepted: the reviewer should point out the items that led to the disapproval of the text, and may present suggestions for its improvement, with a view to future publications.

It should be noted that the Editorial Board and the Reviewer Board of Revista Docência do Ensino Superior are composed of researchers with masters and doctoral degrees, associated with UFMG or other higher education institutions in Brazil and other countries.

In this journal, the average time of evaluation of the papers has been four months. From approval to publication the average has been three months.

Types of papers:

In this journal we publish original texts, with research results, essays or case reports, which approach subjects related to teaching in higher education, such as teaching and learning methodologies, development of didactic materials and pedagogical resources, evaluation strategies, among others, in the different areas of knowledge. Abstracts of theses and dissertations, interviews and reviews are also accepted for publication.

a) Article: 1) Results of empirical or theoretical research; 2) Systematic and integrative critical review of scientific and academic production in the area; 3) Report of experience; 4) Assay. It should be accompanied by an abstract of 150 to 250 words and three to five keywords. The full article, including title (and translations), abstract (and translations), keywords (and translations), and references, should contain between 4,500 and 6,500 words.
b) Review: text that presents critical reading of relevant works to the thematic area of the Journal and that have been published in the last three years. It must contain between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

c) Opinion article: argumentative text, which approaches relevant themes in the thematic area of the Journal, and expresses the author's opinion in dialogue with the scientific production of the area. It should be accompanied by an abstract of 150 to 250 words and three to five keywords. The full article, including title, abstract, keywords, and references, should be between 1,500 and 3,200 words.
d) Interview: unpublished interview with people who have significant contributions, either for their practice or for their academic production, for the thematic area of the Journal. It must contain between 4,500 and 6,500 words.

e) Abstract of thesis or dissertation: it must be linked to thematic area of the Journal, and be submitted by the author of the dissertation or thesis already defended and bring their complete reference, according to
ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Norms).

Structure and format of papers:

Files must be sent in doc, docx, odt or rtf format, A4 size, according to the Magazine Template.

In case of doubt, click here to access the Template application tutorial.

See here the Styles manual of this journal.

See here the Tutorial for paper submission.

1) Pre-textual elements:

Title: abbreviations, parentheses and formulas should be avoided. The subtitle (if any) must be preceded by a colon (:).

Abstract: it must contain between 150 and 250 words, presenting the relevant items of the article, such as objective, theoretical reference, methodology, results/conclusions. The use of acronyms, formulas and quotations should be avoided. It must be written in a single paragraph.

Keywords: minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords, separated by semicolon.

All submissions must include on the first page title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese; on the second page the translation of these elements into Spanish and English.

2) Textual elements:

The article must contain introduction, development and conclusion. We emphasize that this is only an orientation. These parts, preserving the order in which they appear in the text, may be named differently and/or contain subdivisions according to the authors' preference.

a) Citations: ABNT NBR-10520 must be followed for quotations. Click here for sample quotes. For international submissions, APA standards can be used.
b) Footnotes: must be restricted to the minimum necessary; must be numbered sequentially, and located at the end of the corresponding page.
c) Terms in a foreign language must be written in italics. Use italic as well in case you need to highlight a word or phrase.
d) The use of acronyms and abbreviations should be restricted to those already existing or agreed upon. The first time they are mentioned in the text, they should be written in full and followed by the acronym or abbreviation between parentheses. In the following cases, only the acronyms or abbreviations may be used.
e) It is recommended to type the numbers one to ten in words, as well as the round tens and hundreds (two thousand and three hundred), and to type in numbers any age (50 years) and periods of time (3 months, 7 minutes, 80 years).
f) The visual resources (drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, charts, graphics, organizational charts, plans, pictures, boards and tables) must bring their identification at the top, preceded by the designative word, followed by their order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, of the respective title and/or explanatory legend in a brief and clear way. Below the visual resource, the source must be inserted. Images, graphics, boards and tables prepared by the authors must contain such information at source. If the work is approved, it may be requested to send the visual resources in JPG format with resolution above 300 dpi. Tables and charts should be inserted in text format.

3) Post-textual elements:

References: Only the texts/materials cited in the paper must be referenced, following the standards of ABNT NBR-6023 for references. Click here for reference examples. Italics must be used to highlight the titles and, whenever possible, provide the authors' names in full. In references of papers published in academic journals, inform DOI whenever it exists. For international submissions, the APA standards can be used.

Publication Ethics

Revista Docência do Ensino Superior declares its commitment to practices that value research ethic and integrity and expects the same from everyone involved in the editorial process: editors, reviewers, and authors.

The entire editorial practice and the relation of the editorial board with authors and reviewers are described on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guides for editors and authors and adopt the national and international guidelines to assure compliance of ethical principles and research integrity, as described in the following documents: SciELO Guide of good practices to strengthening ethics in scientific publication, 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity guidelines, COPE flowcharts and SciELO Guide for registering and publishing a retractation.

Any complaint or suspicion of misconduct by authors, reviewers or members of the editorial board must be sent to RDES, via email to, for analysis according to CNPq guidelines and COPE standards and principles.


Default Section Policy.

Opinion articles

Default Section Policy.


Default Section Policy.

Thesis or Dissertation Abstracts

Default Section Policy.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.