Arte habitado

Consideraciones artística acerca del lugar


  • Guillermo Aymerich Faculdade de BBAA de Valencia-UPV, Espanha


Art and environment, space case, location of art, image of the place, genius loci


The book “Species of spaces”, by Georges Perec, is the starting point for the article: from the book page until the out space. In a parallel way, we propose an amount of considerations going from the palette and the empty canvas, to reach Nature and cosmos.In the second part, we will talk about the spatial occupation, inhabited spaces by an artist during the creative process. However, about the different roles the subject takes in such spaces, also.

Author Biography

Guillermo Aymerich, Faculdade de BBAA de Valencia-UPV, Espanha

Doutor em Belas Artes pela UPV. Desde 1988 compartilha sua atuação como artista e docente-pesquisador na Faculdade de BBAA de Valencia-UPV. Atuou como professor e artista convidado nas cidades de Salvador de Bahía (UFBa), Aracaju (UFS), Praga (VSUP), Beijing (AA&D, Tsinghua University, CAFA), Wroclaw (ASP) e Reikiavik (LHI).


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How to Cite

AYMERICH, G. Arte habitado: Consideraciones artística acerca del lugar. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, p. 117–133, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Articles - Thematic section