Chiron’s view

filmic language in the construction of the relationship between the main character and his mother in the movie Moonlight




Relationship between characters., Film analysis., Cinematographic techniques, Shot and countershot


This article deals with the way in which the relationship between the characters Paula (played by Naomie Harris) and Chiron (played by Alex Hibbert, Ashton Sanders, and Trevante Rhodes) is built in the movie Moonlight (2016), by Barry Jenkins. The context of the movie's narrative is presented, and sequences are chosen for analysis and for the purpose of comparing the course of the relationship throughout the work. The cinematographic techniques mobilized for the construction of the relationship are objects of analysis, namely: the shot and countershot for dialogues, the close-up, the look at the camera, camera movements and shots. While in the first two chapters the relationship is conflicting, in the last one it is friendly, and reflects on the choices made for the composition of the scenes and the cinematographic techniques mobilized for them.

Author Biography

Milena Pereira dos Santos, Unicamp

Doutoranda e mestre em Artes da Cena pela Unicamp. Licenciada em Artes/Dança pela mesma instituição.


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MOONLIGHT – Sob a luz do luar. Direção: Barry Jenkins. EUA: A24 – Plan B Entertainment, 2016. (111 min), cor.

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How to Cite

SANTOS, M. P. dos . Chiron’s view: filmic language in the construction of the relationship between the main character and his mother in the movie Moonlight. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 12, n. 25, p. 36–51, 2022. DOI: 10.35699/2237-5864.2022.36128. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 sep. 2024.


