Great Water

Poetic-Investigative Collages of a City that is Born on the Margins and Flows into Rio




Artistic Collage, Poetics of the City, Baixada Fluminense, Nova Iguaçu


This work showcases a series of artistic collages about life in Nova Iguaçu (RJ), a city whose name means ‘great water’, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The collage technique is explored as a poetic procedure that encompasses material and symbolic processes of appropriation, overlay, and recontextualization of significant elements of the themed city. The collages interweave personal memories and experiences with the cultural and political settings of Nova Iguaçu. Thus, it portrays the city as a socially constructed space, where
contradictory forces of abundance and scarcity, violence and resistance converge, highlighting the critical and poetic strength of lived experiences, actions, and reflections within this territory.

Author Biography

Juliana Gama Assumpção, UERJ

Master in Brazilian Literature (UERJ, 2023) with a Bachelor's degree in Languages and Literature (UERJ, 2017) and complementary training in Visual Arts from EAV-Parque Lage (2014).


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How to Cite

ASSUMPÇÃO, J. G. Great Water: Poetic-Investigative Collages of a City that is Born on the Margins and Flows into Rio. PÓS: Journal of the Arts Postgraduation Program at EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 14, n. 32, p. 555–569, 2024. DOI: 10.35699/2238-2046.2024.52491. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.



Ensaio visual