From Atom to State: An Analysis of Controversies in the Authoritarian Modernizing Discourse in Brazilian Military Politics (1964-1985)


  • Iandry Ferreira UFMG
  • Victor Hugo Silva De Paiva Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


The Military Dictatorship changed the course of Brazil's history by establishing a new repressive policy and ending the democratic system implemented in 1946. To legitimize their power, the military used a discourse that incentivized technological and scientific development, presenting nuclear energy as a promising option to modernize and demonstrate the country's capability as an advanced nation. However, this attempt to modernize Brazil eventually declined into controversies surrounding the authoritarian modernizing discourse that they appropriated, triggering ideological and technical conflicts in a repressive and violent manner. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze these controversies surrounding the nuclear energy production projects in Brazil during the Years of Lead. Understanding these controversies is crucial to comprehend how science and technology can be used as strategic tools to enforce an authoritarian policy and how their applications can have significant consequences for the country's national development.


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