A anexação do Instituto Vacinogênico ao Instituto Butantan e o desenvolvimento das ciências médicas em São Paulo



The objective of this article is to investigate the incorporation of the Vacinogenico Institute to the Butantan Institute, in 1925. Considering the institutes’ background and the annexation process itself, it aims to develop hypothesis about this moment of São Paulo’s health history. Established in the beggining of Brazil’s First Republic, the Vacinogênico and Butantan were essential to São Paulo’s public health agenda, focused on sanitizing measures to support São Paulo’s economy as the national locomotive. Progressively, both became models on the assistance for citizens and on the studies of medical sciences. On a strategy of creating a lab that centralized the state’s production of all immunizing drugs, the Paula Souza reform of the Sanitary Service united these institutes in de 1920s. At this moment, their technical-scientific distinctions and the power of their actors in the institutional sphere acquired a central role in the definition of which institute would still be an autarky.


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Author Biography

Beatriz de Lima Ruschioni, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH - USP)

Undergraduate student in History at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities of the University of São Paulo (FFLCH - USP). Researcher at the Memory Center of the Butantan Institute, where she develops, under the orientation of Dr. Suzana Gouveia Fernandes, the project "Institutos Vacinogênico e Butantan e os registros do início da vacinação em São Paulo" (2023) by the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Scientific Initiation (PIBIC), focusing on archival studies, history of science and institutions. Participated in the project "Digital History and Memory" (2022), supervised by Prof. Dr. Pedro Puntoni, developing activities in the area of digital humanities by the Support to Integrated Research Projects in Strategic Areas (PIPAE).


