Guide for submitting figures

This guide explain how to prepare the figures to be sent for publication in the journal, ensuring better quality for the publication.

All figures must:

  • be sent separately in independent files;
  • the files must be named as fig-xxx.yyy, where xxx represents the numbering, following the order in which they appear in the text, and yyy the file extension (example: fig-001.eps, fig-002.png );
  • graphics, diagrams and all types of line drawings must be sent in vector format, saved in a PDF or EPS file;
  • photos, scanned images and other raster images must be sent in PNG, TIFF or JPEG format (without loss).


Vector vs. rasterized

The PNG, TIFF and JPEG formats accept only raster images (bitmap), images represented by an array of pixels. PDF and EPS formats accept vector images, raster images or a combination of these two. Vector images are defined mathematically by points, lines and curves. In this way, we can change the scale of these images or print them without losing quality.



After saving each image, check if they are in vector or rasterized form. Just zoom in and check if it will be pixelated (checkered). The programs that create drawings and graphics have the possibility to save / export / print the figures in different formats. If in doubt, check the documentation of the program used.

The following video explains the differences between vector and raster images:

This other video illustrates how to save an Excel chart to a vector PDF:


It is recommended to use grayscale illustrations. If the use of color is critical, please use accessible color for the colorblind.