The Presence of the Night in Latin Agrarian Literature: The Cases of Virgil’s Georgics Book III and of Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella’s De re rustica Book VI


  • Matheus Trevizam Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author



Virgil, Georgics, Columella, poetry, agriculture treatise, night


In this paper we intend to comment some mentions of the night and its elements in Virgil’s Georgics Book III and in Columella’s De re rustica Book VI. Thus, night elements are seen in both sections of these literary works meaning a part of the daily routine or a sign of the rustic man’s close relationship with nature. While Columella is inclined to focus on the first aspect mentioned, avoiding being so picturesque (or mythical), Virgil, occupying himself with a poetical work, explores more intensely some possible imaginative effects.

Author Biography

  • Matheus Trevizam, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Professor de língua e literatura latina da FALE-UFMG.


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Dossiê - O Noturno na Literatura e nas Artes

How to Cite

The Presence of the Night in Latin Agrarian Literature: The Cases of Virgil’s Georgics Book III and of Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella’s De re rustica Book VI. (2015). Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(1), 145-164.