Almost absent

authorship and representations of black characters in the PNBE




Black-Brazilian Literature, Race, Resistance, Representation, PNBE


Focusing on Brazilian literature, more specifically on public scope policies for the distribution of educational books, the present study, using the qualitative and quantitative method, aims to present data concerning the small presence (or almost absence) of black authors that belong to the National School Library Program (PNBE). Furthermore, this article focuses on examining the books Quarto de Despejo, by Carolina Maria de Jesus, and O Livreiro do Alemão, by Otávio Júnior, highlighting the importance of their anti-racist discourses in the scope of a Program of book distribution composed mostly by non-black authors and narratives of small Afro-Brazilian themes. This study concludes that public policies for reading, such as the PNBE, should quantitatively include in their collections a greater number of black authors and more representative works from a racial and cultural point of view, such as those that were pointed out here. In short, all this aims to provide and highlight, especially when considering the young black reader of such books, possibilities of literary representation with which they can properly identify themselves.


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How to Cite

Almost absent: authorship and representations of black characters in the PNBE. (2021). Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(3), 121-143.