The Alcaic Stanza and the Geniality of the Ode I,37


  • Heloisa M. Penna Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



alcaic stanza, Latin poetry, Horace, artistic writing, odes


Of the thirty-seven odes written in Alcaic verses by Horace, the I, 37 is one of the most beautiful. A remarkable characteristic of this stanza is the variety of metrical lines: the two first lines are divided in two cola, iambic and dactylic; the third is an iambic line and the fourth, a dactylic line. This structure favors the exhortative and civic expressions. In Ode I, 37, Horace explores the Alcaic stanza characteristics, selecting for each part of the verse words and expressions suitable for rhythmic impression of the productive structure. Horace chooses his words, rhythms, and images consciously and with great care.


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How to Cite

Penna, H. M. (2012). The Alcaic Stanza and the Geniality of the Ode I,37. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 22(1), 92–110.