From Timbó to Timbó or, What I don’t know, I invent


  • Devair Antônio Fiorotti Universidade Estadual de Roraima/Universidade Federal de Roraima



indigenous oral narrative, oral literature, local, regional and global


This article presents and analyzes the Legend of Timbó, narrated by Taurepang Indian Clemente Flores. From this text, I discuss issues related to the research with oral narratives. Conceiving the text of Flores as literary, the central question of this article is the possibility to reflect on the literary outside the book. Therefore, I also discuss the movement between center and periphery, local, regional and global, trying to think the veiled tension, or even denied, as the existence of a narrative with aesthetic values derived of the minorities, such as indigenous.


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How to Cite

Fiorotti, D. A. (2012). From Timbó to Timbó or, What I don’t know, I invent. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 22(3), 238–252.