Transmedia Storytelling: Crossing Between Media Studies and Literature Studies


  • Ana Cláudia Munari Domingos Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul



transmedia narrative, Jenkins, transmedial, transmediality, cross media


The convergence of media and transmedia practices have recently been uniting professionals from the fields of advertising, cinema and television, as well as others interested in entertainment and technology. The transposition of stories into various media, now called platforms, is an activity that goes back to the Bible and religious narratives, and relates to a series of different connotations, from intertextuality to post-production. Internet production has fostered new forms and a new language: hypermedia. The convergence of instances of production, mediation and reception in cyberspace is shaping a new cultural system, involving the creation of specific myths and arts: hyperculture. This article discusses the implications of this new intermedia system, and the agents, arts and cultures related to it.


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Author Biography

Ana Cláudia Munari Domingos, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

Professora do Mestrado em Leitura e Cognição da UNISC, pesquisadora da área de hiperleitura. Coordenadora do Observatório da leitura na cultura digital e integrante do grupo Intermídia, do CNPq.


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How to Cite

Domingos, A. C. M. (2013). Transmedia Storytelling: Crossing Between Media Studies and Literature Studies. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 23(3), 159–171.



Dossiê - Intermidialidade - Parte V