The Periphery Selfie: Thinking Self-Representation Through Marginal Literature and Bira Carvalho’s Photography


  • Ary Pimentel Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Subalternity, identity figurations, self-representation, photography, slum


Based on a dialogue between Literature Marginal or Peripheral and the imagery-discursive production of the photographer Bira Carvalho, a resident from Favela da Maré, this study reveals a symbolic scene of production where the peripheral area concentrates an entire network of representations which is able to deconstruct prejudice and stigma, strengthening strategies of belonging and identity processes. We discuss more specifically the role of clipping and the exploration of detail for the construction of a new look in the sense that, in this symbolic disputes scenario, the framework of human and social landscape reflects figurations identity and the locus of speech. We also try to think in which means a very focused work, with a very particular cut of a mere detail of the outskirts world, can promote the emergence of questions about hegemonic representations and prejudices that guide the way of envisioning the slum.


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How to Cite

Pimentel, A. (2014). The Periphery Selfie: Thinking Self-Representation Through Marginal Literature and Bira Carvalho’s Photography. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 24(2), 49–62.



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