Temporalization and Spacing in Dystopias by Haruki Murakami and George Orwell, 1Q84/1984


  • Rafael da Cunha Duarte Francisco Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Haruki Murakami, dystopia, George Orwell


The present work has as its main objective to think the issues of space and temporality of dystopia in the novel 1Q84 writen by Haruki Murakami on a comparison with the homonymous work written by George Orwell. We try to think how this process of a temporalized narrative in Orwell’s novel is appropriated and transformed by the aesthetic project of Murakami. Therefore, our research will focus on trying to reflect on the process of a spacialized dystopia, carried out by Haruki Murakami in his novel, seeking to think how he is able to also inaugurate a new experience of time in which the dystopia is no longer in the distant future but in the past (or present) of its readers. The year 1984 in George Orwell turned in a symbol of terror that was on the prowl for his readers, now – in 2009 – is taken up by Murakami as a dystopian past, as another place where the terrible world of 1Q84 takes place. Thus begins a specialized distopia which is at the same time, a distopia of the past.


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How to Cite

Francisco, R. da C. D. (2016). Temporalization and Spacing in Dystopias by Haruki Murakami and George Orwell, 1Q84/1984. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 25(3), 147–160. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.25.3.147-160