Performance Art: Creation and Theoretical-Critical Reflection in the University Context


  • Juliana Helena Gomes Leal Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri



performance, university, space of performação, spectator-participant, collectivity


This text aims to reflect theoretically about the art performance work developed by members of the cultural project Literary Meetings in the UFVJM university ambience, in Diamantina/MG. The ethic-aesthetic principle of our group performative way of doing has as central axis the sensory-experiential experimentation or perceptive-corporeal, always opened to interferences with others knowledges and artistic practices and to the dialogical in-corporation with the enunciation place of the performer, it signalizes its political position against the knowledge construction, the culture, the society and itself in front of and in world. And It is right in this place, that opens, nor without conflicts and setbacks, to creative-reflexive exchanges, established in the performance experimentation/construction process in temporal-space, as well as in its presentation, its here and now, named by Regina Melim as space of performação, that we situate ourselves. Locus that doubly put in evidence the “work of art as route” and the irrevocable idea that we are all bodies holders of memory, affections and pulses: elements in with we try to construct, always in a collaborative, collective way and trying to mobilize others bodies, the performances proposed and presented by us.


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Author Biography

Juliana Helena Gomes Leal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri

Professora de Literatura Latino-americana da FIH/UFVJM.


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How to Cite

Leal, J. H. G. (2016). Performance Art: Creation and Theoretical-Critical Reflection in the University Context. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 26(1), 87–106.



Dossiê - Teatro e Política na América Latina