A Spider in Agony


  • Olga Donata Guerizoli Kempinska Universidade Federal Fluminense




evil, agony, Witold Gombrowicz, Czesław Miłosz, Nuno Ramos


Taking as its starting point the dialogue between two literary texts that depict human reactions at animal agony, the paper discusses the notion of evil in its relation to pain and destruction. Caught in a trap, the spider from the poem by Czesław Miłosz and the beetles from the diary by Witold Gombrowicz awake in the observer a movement of investigation of ethical borders of the “human.” Going beyond Bataille’s anthropocentrism in Literature and Evil, Miłosz, Gombrowicz, as well as Nuno Ramos in Brazil, inquire into the ambiguity as the key characteristic of the human relation to animality, to pain and to art.


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Author Biography

Olga Donata Guerizoli Kempinska, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Possui graduação e mestrado em Filologia Românica pela Uniwersytet Jagiellonski de Cracóvia e doutorou-se em História Social da Cultura pela PUC-Rio. Atualmente é professora de Teoria da Literatura no Departamento de Ciências da Linguagem da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Publicou em 2011 o livro Mallarmé e Cézanne: obras em crise.


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How to Cite

Kempinska, O. D. G. (2017). A Spider in Agony. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(1), 181–195. https://doi.org/10.17851/2317-2096.27.1.181-195



Dossiê - Literatura e Mal