To Simulate, to Dissimulate, to Elucidate: Francis Bacon’s Utopian Thought Between the Fable and the Political Proposal


  • Helvio Moraes Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso



utopia, myth, Francis Bacon


In this study, my purpose is to investigate the presence of myth, or fable, in the genesis of Francis Bacon’s utopian thought. The main question I am concerned about can be so presented: how do the notions advanced by the philosopher in previous writings related to the meaning and importance of myth and imagination make themselves present and help to shape his utopianism? A secondary question would be: how can they be understood and how are they related to the notions of “fable”, “model of state” and “utopian proposal”, mostly if we take into account New Atlantis, his utopian text tout court? I analyze the ideas and elements, which, based on the readings made by the philosopher of the classical tradition myths, seen as remnants of a “Wisdom of the Ancients”, participate in the development of his utopian thought, and, consequently, of the form of his fictional text of maturity, which I call an “utopian fable”.


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How to Cite

Moraes, H. (2017). To Simulate, to Dissimulate, to Elucidate: Francis Bacon’s Utopian Thought Between the Fable and the Political Proposal. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(1), 337–361.