The formation of the Cenacle and French Romanticism


  • Fernanda Almeida Lima Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Cenacle, French Romanticism, literary field


This article deals with the Cenacle formation process at the time of French Romanticism focusing on the participation of the members of the Petit Cénacle (1830-1833). This artistic confraternity is made up of representatives of the second generation of French romanticists, such as Pétrus Borel, Théophile Gautier and Gérard de Nerval, and elects as the model of the cenacular organization, the Grand Cénacle (1827-1830), led by Victor Hugo. The formation of the group and the praise and mutual protection practices typical of the sociability of the literary camaraderie are analyzed in their relation with the specific state of the literary field at 1830, on the eve of the conquest of the autonomy, and with the expression of the artistic autarchy of young romanticists. At last, it undertakes a discussion about the legitimacy of the Cenacle as a literary institution.


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How to Cite

Lima, F. A. (2017). The formation of the Cenacle and French Romanticism. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 27(3), 15–39.



Dossiê – Atualidade da Crítica e da Teoria das Literaturas de Expressão Francesa