Chorality and the World of Parthénoi in Sappho’s Melic Poetry




Sappho, archaic Greek poetry, melic, chorality, maidens


The article studies the chorality of Sappho’s (Lesbos, c. 630-580 bc) melic (or lyric) poetry, in archaic Greece (c. 800-480 bc), and its relation to the world of parthénoi – the maidens, the unmarried girls – that is one of the main and most visible elements of her surviving corpus of fragments. In order to do so, it focuses on one of the most recently discovered fragments of Sappho, the “Old age song”, published in 2005, for it has provoked a reassessment of the relations between the poet and her community, of her role as leader of the maidens and of the function of chorality in the life of the parthénoi.


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Author Biography

Giuliana Ragusa, Universidade de São Paulo

Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH). Depto. de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas (DLCV, Grego).


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How to Cite

Ragusa, G. (2019). Chorality and the World of Parthénoi in Sappho’s Melic Poetry. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 29(4), 85–111.