Bicycle Thieves in Latin-American Context




intertextuality, metanarrative, The Pope’s Toilet, Bicycle Thieves


We aim to discuss the film The Pope’s Toilet considering the several narrative languages that compose the film: the historical discourse, referring to João Paulo II’s visit to Melo, in Uruguay; the journalistic discourse, resulting from the reports about the Pope’s visit; the intertextual dialogue with Aldyr Garcia Schlee’s book of short stories, The Day when the Pope Visited Melo, and with Vittorio De Sica’s film, Bicycle Thieves. Although there is a historical and geographical gap separating both films, we propose a discussion of the Latin American film in order to emphasize the intertextual dialogue with Bicycle Thieves, highlighting resonances of narrative elements (characters, themes, conflicts) and social and ethical issues in both films.


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How to Cite

Azerêdo, G. . (2020). Bicycle Thieves in Latin-American Context. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 30(3), 85–105.



Dossiê – Imaginários e Cinema Latino-Americano