The Notebook and the Pencil, Contemporary Indigenous Weapons

A Reading of Canumã, a Novel Written by Ytanajé Coelho Cardoso




Ytanajé Coelho Cardoso, indigenous literature, traditional knowledge, academic knowledge


In Canumã:a travessia, a novel written by Ytanajé Coelho Cardoso (2019), a munduruku family migrates from the village to the city. The decision is motivated by changes in the traditional way of life. These changes were caused by the strengthening of the relationships with the non-indigenous world. In this context, formal education is resignified as an indigenous weapon in the fight against ethnocide. Considering the movements between village and city, traditional and academic knowledge, life and literature, I will discuss the images of formative processes inscribed in the novel, and the possibilities of building a dialogue between cultures, forms of knowledge, and worlds, in which differences are not hierarchical.


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How to Cite

Honorato, S. (2021). The Notebook and the Pencil, Contemporary Indigenous Weapons: A Reading of Canumã, a Novel Written by Ytanajé Coelho Cardoso. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(3), 35–53.



Dossier – The transfuge: migration and transgression in literature