The Phenomenology of the Poetic Image of the Knot

a Comparative Study between the Drama of Hippolytus in Euripides, Seneca and Racine, and Os sinos da agonia, by Autran Dourado




Hippolytus, Tragedy, Autran Dourado, Euripides, Seneca, Racine, Os sinos da agonia


Os sinos da agonia reveals intertextuality not only with the theme, as literary criticism recurrently reinforces, but also with the imagetic diagrams of the works with which it dialogues. In order to examine the similarities and distinctions between the romance of Autran Dourado and the tragedy, the three main versions of the myth of Hippolytus, by Euripides, Seneca and Racine will be examined. The study considers the translations and notes by Carlos Miralles, Flávio Ribeiro de Oliveira and Joaquim Brasil Fontes, and also the reflections of Gaston Bachelard about the poetic imagination. Among the many aspects to be considered, the focus of this paper lies in the phenomenology of the knot, recurrent poetic image both in the Autranian romance and in the three versions of Hippolytus.


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Author Biography

Thaís Seabra Leite, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro / Brasil

Mestre e Doutora em Literatura Brasileira pela UFRJ. Professora do Colégio de Aplicação da UFRJ.


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How to Cite

Leite, T. S. (2021). The Phenomenology of the Poetic Image of the Knot : a Comparative Study between the Drama of Hippolytus in Euripides, Seneca and Racine, and Os sinos da agonia, by Autran Dourado. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(2), 299–320.