Displacements and Welcoming Spaces in the Writing of a Survivor

a Levinasian Reading About the Female Faces of Scholastique Mukasonga in her Literary Works





face, surviving writing, liminal space, testimony, Scholastique Mukasong


This article, in dialogue with Levinas’ thinking, makes an ethical reading of literary texts, showing how the concepts of face, testimony and substitution can displace us and bring us closer to another who reports his pain. We then approach the female faces of Scholastique Mukasonga to elaborate, from a Levinasian perspective, an exercise in ethical reading of some of her texts: Baratas (2006); A mulher dos pés descalços (2008) and Nossa Senhora do Nilo (2012). The three works can be understood with a testimonial cycle by the author, addressing issues related to Rwanda and the 1994 Tutsi genocide. We address specificities related to the feminine, their faces manifested in writing (said) and in the voices (saying) that narrate violent situations, sometimes nameless and borderline between suffering and horror. These works produce important shifts in the experience of trauma and face it, creating spaces for survival and hope.



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How to Cite

Salgueiro, Ângela C. ., & Vieira, F. (2021). Displacements and Welcoming Spaces in the Writing of a Survivor: a Levinasian Reading About the Female Faces of Scholastique Mukasonga in her Literary Works. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(4), 279–302. https://doi.org/10.35699/2317-2096.2021.33193