Among Bars, Museums and Cemeteries

Heterotopias of Resistance in Bacurau




Bacurau, Narrative Space, Public Sphere, Precarity, Alliance, Heterotopia


The objective of this article is to situate the film Bacurau in an aesthetic, constantly delineating in contemporary Brazilian cinema, representing peripheral territories in which space consists of a heterotopia conditioning the viability of the characters, whose shared precarity provides their alliance in public sphere. Two issues are also addressed: first, the coextension between the private and public spheres in the formation of a convergent space of appearance and struggle; then, the relationship between social, economic and gender identity criteria in the alliance between differently precarious characters. Concepts such as viability, convergent space, precariousness and appearance, by Judith Butler (2018), and heterotopia, by Michel Foucault (2013), support the analyzes.


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How to Cite

Vilarino, J. (2021). Among Bars, Museums and Cemeteries: Heterotopias of Resistance in Bacurau. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 31(4), 187–207.



Dossier: Culture and Public Spaces