Literature and Black Arts

The Scramble for Africa



black literature, black arts, Niyi Osundare, Yinka Shonibare, scramble for Africa


From the definition of the term “negro”, and the concept of Black Arts and Literature, the text deals with the history of the African arts and literature, from the beginning to the contemporaneity. It also investigates the function of these media in the Western Culture, and in post-colonial products, created in the same continent, or in the colonizer’s countries, illustrating one of the historical moments of the African continent through two works by Nigerian authors: the poem Berlin 1884/5 by Niyi Osundare and the installation named Scramble for Africa by the artist Yinka Shonibare. Both works refer to the African colonial past and dialogue with one another by presenting as their theme the same episode that divided Africa in the XIXth Century, the Scramble for Africa.


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How to Cite

Diniz, T. F. N. . (2023). Literature and Black Arts: The Scramble for Africa. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 32(4), 82–103. Retrieved from



Dossier: Literature and Black Arts in Continuous Dialogues