Damián Ríos and the Writing of Himself

On Letters and the Building of a Narrator



self-writing, writing work, turning points, building of the narrator


In this article, we analyze the literary work from which Damián Ríos constitutes himself as a narrator in Habrá que poner la luz (2003). If Benjamin (1987) argues that with the end of hand work the narrator was also extinguished, we state that Ríos turns the very work of writing into an artisanal process and, as a resonance of this work, he builds himself as a narrator. From Foucault (2004), Riolfi (2003) and Riolfi and Alaminos (2007), we understand that the work of writing is what allows the author to build a voice capable of being called “the voice of the narrator”, during the narrative. The analysis identified three turning points, from which the author constituted himself as a narrator, in the Benjaminian sense of the term. This narrator, more than advising us, shows us that it is still possible to narrate and transmit experience in contemporary times.


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How to Cite

Krauss, F. (2023). Damián Ríos and the Writing of Himself: On Letters and the Building of a Narrator. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 32(4), 212–232. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/aletria/article/view/39100