The Femenist in Fr. Schlegel´s Aesthetics

Sciences, Body and Romantic Poetry



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This work has as its aim to reconstruct, through different theoretical sources, the notion of the female in Friedrich Schlegel’s work young. To this goal, it will also be necessary to consider certain elements characteristic of Romantic aesthetics. Schlegel’s thinking allows us to notice some critical perspectives that the aesthetic field offers before the hegemonic politics of illustrated Modernity. Said critiques will let us relate Schlegel’s thought with both contemporary philosophical perspectives and authors as Merleau-Ponty, feminism, Celia Amoros, Sandra Hardison and more. Finally, the study advises about the difficulties and limits that the Romantic view has as to the feminine, as to gender, and as to the notion of body.


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How to Cite

Garnica, N. (2024). The Femenist in Fr. Schlegel´s Aesthetics: Sciences, Body and Romantic Poetry. Aletria: Revista De Estudos De Literatura, 34(1), 25–40. Retrieved from



Poetry and philosophy: the actuality of early German romanticism