Mother-child relation

an interdisciplinary approach and their unfoldings for dentistry


  • Cristina Berger Fadel Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
  • Nemre Adas Saliba Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Suzely Adas Saliba Moimaz Universidade Estadual Paulista


Mother-child relations, Child care, Health knowledge, attitudes, and practices


The influence of social interactions on child health care has been studied in depth and is frequently associated with the figure of the mother, given that, in the domestic realm, she assumes the roles of both promoter and reproducer of biological and social responsibilities, both for her family and for herself. The early relationship between mothers and children, when absolute, intense, and positive, becomes accountable for the development of physical and emotional abilities and capacities within the child, resulting in the condition of a healthy child. Thus, when we assume that attitudes and conducts can be transmitted from mother to child, in the same manner as ideas, meanings, and beliefs, the importance of maternal knowledge and behavior on her own children’s health becomes evident, which is the focal point of the present study.


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How to Cite

Fadel, C. B., Saliba, N. A., & Moimaz, S. A. S. (2016). Mother-child relation: an interdisciplinary approach and their unfoldings for dentistry. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 44(3). Retrieved from




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