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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The suggestion of ad hoc evaluators; there must be at least 3 (three) nominations.
  • Declarations of Authorship, Responsibility, and Conflict of Interest. All co-authors have been informed by e-mail and ORCID Institution of Origin.

    Informs the names of all authors ) with their respective data (first name, surname, email, ORCID, institution, city, country state.
    Check if the names are the same ones that are in the authorship statement.
    The author authorized the journal to access the ORCID
    Informs title, abstract, keywords, area of knowledge sources of support ( two language)

    In the evaluation version, the authors' names should be removed from the text.
    However, only authors registered at the time of article submission via the OJS platform may be included in the version for publication.
    All authors must include the ORCID ( ) and URL for access to the lattes curriculum. The maximum number of authors is TEN.
    Attach the Declaration of Authorship and Responsibility and Conflicts of Interest signed by each author.

    Submitted .doc, or docx.
    Does not display identification of authorship in the body of the text.
    It is written in Portuguese or English.
    It is original and unpublished.
    Body of the text follows specific guidelines of the rules for preparing the manuscript with title in two languages, Abstract in two languages. Introduction, Material and Methods, Result and Discussion, References.

Author Guidelines

Standards, General Procedures, Specifications on the Agrarian Science Booklet are presented inlink  


Privacy Statement

The names, postal addresses and e-mail addresses informed in the Caderno de Ciências Agrárias - Agricultural Sciences Journal will be used exclusively to meet the purposes of this journal with respect to the services that will be provided and are not available for other purposes.