Life in the Universe, Science teaching, PhenomenologyAbstract
Within the scope of a Master's dissertation, we sought to structure understandings about Astrobiology in the context of science teaching in Brazil, given the cosmovision of researchers and teachers who work in Basic or Higher Education in the country. To this end, the phenomenological analysis of the individual and collective discourses of six research collaborators, transcribed and described from recorded and written interviews, was sought to weave cosmovisions about the elements that structure astrobiology in the context of science teaching in Brazil. With these movements, three nuclei of ideas were articulated, namely: Potential for the construction of scientific knowledge (NI1); Institutional, ontological and epistemological challenges (NI2); Perspectives and possibilities in the national scenario (NI3). Certainly, an emerging field of science that demands a multidisciplinary perspective would present challenges and obstacles to be inserted in the context of Brazilian science education. However, it cannot be denied that there are already many possibilities and potentialities that can be explored in this context.
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