Conflitos conceituais sobre nascentes de cursos d’água e propostas de especialistas


  • Miguel Fernandes Felippe Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Antônio Pereira Magalhães Junior Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



river springs, Delphi panel, hydrogeomorphology


The concept of river springs is not uniform in the specialized literature. Not only in Geography, but in all sciences, each researcher chooses the most convenient definition to its work creating different ideas of what can be a river spring. Because of that, misunderstands are common when we compare the results of different works. This paper deals with this crucial subject, approaching concepts of river springs in many sciences evaluated by an experts’ panel. Although, this work proposes a simple and accurate definition of river springs built from the evaluation of the opinions of the experts obtained in the Delphi method. As expected, the results show there is no conformity between the researchers consulted, allowing a multidisciplinary synthesis that is reflected in this conceptual proposition


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How to Cite

Felippe, M. F., & Magalhães Junior, A. P. (2013). Conflitos conceituais sobre nascentes de cursos d’água e propostas de especialistas. Revista Geografias, 9(1), 70–81.




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