Archive and Memory: Movements of Samuel Rawet’s Writing Based on the Transcription of the Poem “The Sluice”, by PaulCelan
Samuel Rawet, Archive, Paul CelanAbstract
This article investigates possible demonstrations of a modus operandi in Samuel Rawet writing based on the analysis of the relation between Rawet’s notes and the composition of his literary text. The study presents, at first hand, a selection of items from Rawet’s archive, recently donated to the Archive Museum of Brazilian Literature, Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation, located in Rio de Janeiro. Our purpose is to reflect upon and to consider some of the author ́s writing strategies and literary activities. The transcription of Paul Celan's poem The Sluice, handwritten by Rawet on a loose piece of paper, and its possible connection to the production of Kaddish: Prayer for the Living of the Olympics in Munich, as well as the notes left by him in a notebook reporting his perception on memory, comprise the corpus of this investigation.
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