Eve’s discours in The life of Adam and Eve


  • Cesar Motta Rios Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais




Hermeneutic, Gender, Judaism


In this article, I study Eve’s largest discours in The life of Adam and Eve, greek version. At first, I introduce the theme of the change of perspective through a contemporary novel, Jostein Gaarder’ʹs Vita Brevis. Next, I show fastly the text with which I work. Then, I aproach Eve'ʹs discours, observing in what way it is inserted in the narrative. I think about the way in which the change of perspective of Eve’s retelling makes possible the construction of a narrative which mix “to tell” and “to interpret”, like agadic Midrashim.


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Author Biography

Cesar Motta Rios, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutorando em Literatura Comparada da UFMG, Mestre em Estudos Clássicos, Bacharel em Grego e Licenciado em Espanhol.


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How to Cite

Rios, C. M. (2009). Eve’s discours in The life of Adam and Eve. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 3(5), 10–21. https://doi.org/10.17851/1982-3053.3.5.10-21