Chaining as a shaping feature of Tannaitic source text


  • Uri Zur Ariel University



Chaining, Tannaitic Source, Bavli


The Tannaitic source text below, taken from tractate Eruvin of the Bavli (41b), features chaining as a prominent component – a formal-stylistic element which establishes a sequencing connection between one part of a narrative to the next among three parts of the same text. Where chaining is operative, each part of the text sequence appears in the same style and resembles the others in form.




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Author Biography

Uri Zur, Ariel University

Professor Sênior de Jewish Studies no Department of Israel Heritage, Ariel University, Israel. De 2008 a 2010 foi Diretor do Department of Israel Heritage na Ariel University Center of Samaria e coeditor do jornal Moreshet Yisrael, de 2008 a 2012). Autor de Orr Israel, 1999, e de The Tripartite Structure of the Sugyot: Studied in Tractate Eruvin of the Babylonian Talmud, 2016.



How to Cite

Zur, U. (2016). Chaining as a shaping feature of Tannaitic source text. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 10(19), 186–194.