The Literary Universe Of Etkar Kéret in HQ, Cinema, Theater, Ballet and Book


  • Nancy Rozenchan Universidade de São Paulo



Etgar Kéret, Hebrew Literature, Israeli Literature


“Disenchantment is a fundamental part of Etgar Kéret’s work because it accounts for the lack of meaning of the facts and for what the Israeli critics call a return to the ordinary meaning of everyday life” (BERCITO, 2014, 4), said the journalist Brazilian Diogo Bercito about the tales of one of the most popular Israeli authors he interviewed. Kéret’s mini-narratives are compact stories, postmodern texts in video clip form, describing an episode, portraying a particular situation, thus opening a window to a surreal world and strange inner lives. The unexpected often arises from what appears to be ordinary and everyday. Kéret’s short stories leave much unexplained, flirt with magical realism, with surrealism, end with a gesture or an unfinished idea. In the spirit of postmodernism, there is no dichotomy between low and high, pop and classical culture, real and imaginary; Comic moments merge with those of melancholy, sentimental episodes are preceded by serious and grotesque reflections. Kéret’s short stories are part of a wide range of cultural creation based on his fiction and extrapolation, an activity in which he collaborates with his wife, illustrators, filmmakers, in Israel and in several countries with which he has edited books , Published HQ, dealt with cinematography, made presentations on radio and public stations, created a ballet. In this communication I intend to approach the literary work of Keter and its great scope that extends through the varied fields of cinema, theater, ballet and HQ.


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Author Biography

Nancy Rozenchan, Universidade de São Paulo

Professora Sênior de Língua e Literatura Hebraica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).


BERCITO, Diogo [texto]; SCARPELLI, Veridiana [ilustração]. Um passeio pela ficção concisa e fértil de Etgar Keret. Folha de S. Paulo – Ilustríssisma. 26 jan. 2014.

EHRENREICH, Ben. Interview. Etgar Keret. The Believer Magazine. Abr. 2006. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2016.

JACOBSON, Judie. Conversation with... Etgar Keret. Acclaimed author and filmmaker represents the new Israel. Connecticut Jewish Ledger. Ledger on Line. 6 nov. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2016.

TEICHOLZ, Tom. Etgar Keret: The Long and Very Short of Fiction. Entrevista em Huffington Post. 11 abr. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2016.



How to Cite

Rozenchan, N. (2017). The Literary Universe Of Etkar Kéret in HQ, Cinema, Theater, Ballet and Book. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 11(20), 261–275.