From Jerusalem to Kibbutz: the Trajectory of a Militant Jew and His Rebellion in Love and Darkness


  • Sandra de Almada Mota Arantes Centro Universitário de Formiga



Amos Oz, Memory, Posterity


This article presents a reflection on the story of Amos Oz, narrated in Love and Darkness, a militant Jew who rebels against Judaism. In the quest for a new identity and in an attempt to explain the reasons for his rebellion, he recounts scenes from a past that had stiffened his heart but still left in his memory profound marks of the Jewish tradition which are present intensely in his writing. In the narrative echoes voices of childhood lived in Jerusalem that convey a verbal content, Jewish issue seen as a necessity for the children's tradition of writing for memory and posterity.


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Author Biography

Sandra de Almada Mota Arantes, Centro Universitário de Formiga

Professora do Centro Universitário de Formiga


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How to Cite

Arantes, S. de A. M. (2019). From Jerusalem to Kibbutz: the Trajectory of a Militant Jew and His Rebellion in Love and Darkness. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 13(24), 180–192.