Dietética judaica, ritornelos e nações possíveis em De amor e trevas, de Amós Oz


  • Flávio Pereira Camargo
  • Jorge Alves Santana



Amós Oz, Nationality, Jewish dietetics


This article analyzes aspects of the Jewish dietetics extended to the ideologized food production, as well as the Palestinian culture to understand facts that conform the sociopolitical territories of the Israeli and Palestinian geopolitics. This analysis is based on Amos Oz’s (2002) Of Love and Darkness robust narrative which traces the intellectual activist’s family’s complex and heterogeneous panorama, as well as the two -societies in which he is inserted to also reflect on the need for identity formation of the two people, identities-ritornels (DELEUZE; GUATARRI, 1997) that build invented nations (ANDERSON, 2008) in the cultural and sociopolitical possibilities of mixophilia (BAUMAN, 2013). Such a dietary condition will necessarily go through the nature and functionality of “kibbutism” (SANTANA, 2018), one of the main sources of productive and ideological food and ethical practices that conform the possibilities of the two states’ equanimous formation in dialogical and peaceful conditions.


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How to Cite

Camargo, F. P., & Santana, J. A. (2023). Dietética judaica, ritornelos e nações possíveis em De amor e trevas, de Amós Oz. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(32), 43–61.