A Maternal Archive Revisited

Lili Jaffe’s diary


  • André de Souza Pinto




Memory, Diary , Archive


This article aimed to analyze, in What are the blind people dreaming of?: with the Diary of Lili Jaffe (1994-1995), by Noemi Jaffe, the image of the maternal diary as a Jewish archive, a narrative that, in its first part, would be configured as a text of testimonial literature, which is, in turn, unfolded by Jaffe and Leda Cartoum. Thus, we sought to glimpse, in the personal story that is narrated in the diary and in the paratexts that would constitute the book, the biography of Lili Jaffe and the consequences of her maternal history in her family. Thus, the main intention of this article was, based on this archive biographical, present the story of Lili Jaffe and how her diary establishes a deposit of narratives that are unfolded in contemporary times.


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How to Cite

de Souza Pinto, A. (2023). A Maternal Archive Revisited: Lili Jaffe’s diary. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 17(33), 49–58. https://doi.org/10.35699/1982-3053.2023.48995