A mediterranean Hannukah

Les Méditerrannéenes by Emmanuel Ruben





Sephardic Literature, Post-memory, Mediterranean


This article analyzes the novel Les Méditerrannéenes, by the French writer of Jewish-Algerian origin Emmanuel Ruben, published in France in 2022. The novel, centered around the celebration of the Hanukkah party in his family's home, resumes, through the the only object brought by the family at the time of their expulsion from Algeria in 1962, a chandelier, a complex family mythology, represented in the novel which is also an intimate portrait of the Arab-Jewish symbiosis. Themes such as memory and post-memory, as well as the disappearance of Jewish culture in the Islamic world come to the fore throughout the narrative, which transposes the perplexities and hopes of generations of exiles to the contemporary world, and proposes the concept of Mediterranean ecumene as counterpoint to the nationalism and exclusivism awakened more than a century ago by conflicts between Arabs and Jews.


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Author Biography

Luis Krausz, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor livre docente de Literatura Judaica e Hebraica na Universidade de São Paulo.


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YERUSHALMI, Yosef Hayim, Zakhor – Jewish History and Jewish Memory. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1996.



How to Cite

Krausz, L. (2024). A mediterranean Hannukah: Les Méditerrannéenes by Emmanuel Ruben . Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 18(34), 151–167. https://doi.org/10.35699/1982-3053.2024.51291