Young Holocaust survivors – Geve, Mozes Kor and Laks

Evocations of prayers, festivals and Jewish celebrations




Testimonial literature, History, Judaism, Concentration camp, Holocaust


Jewish religious reminiscences are themes of the study, “Young Holocaust survivors – Geve, Mozes Kor and Laks-: Evocations of prayers, festivals and Jewish celebrations”, whose objective is to evoke testimonial memorial works, created by Holocaust survivors, Thomas Geve (Cohn), Eva Mozes Kor and Aleksander Henryk Laks. These works mention prayers (Kaddisch, the prayer of the mourners; and Shema, the plea to God for salvation) and Jewish celebration (Sabbath (Saturday), Chanukah (celebration of the end of Babylonian rude), Pesach (Jewish Passover), Yom Kippur (Day of Forgiveness) and Rosh Hachaná (New Year), in addition to the song, Hava Nagila (“Let us rejoice”), and the circular dance, Hora. The analysis based on the perspective of testimony (Selligmann-Silva), memory (Halbwachs), is also supported by the concepts of ritual and celebration (Durkheim).


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Author Biography

Denise Rocha, Universidade de São Paulo

Lincenciatura e Doutorado em Letras, UNESP, Assis

Bacharelado em História e Mestrado- Magister Artium, Ruprecht Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Alemanha


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How to Cite

Rocha, D. (2024). Young Holocaust survivors – Geve, Mozes Kor and Laks: Evocations of prayers, festivals and Jewish celebrations. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 18(34), 17–40.