Two Stories about Rabbi Akiva and His Student and Their Sexual Experiences: on Bad Odors as a Sign of Sexual Promiscuity


  • Abraham Ofir Shemesh Ariel University


Palabras clave:

Rabbi Akiva, Body Odors, Sexual Morals


In the moral standards of the Jewish sages, sexual promiscuity is indicated by a foul repugnant smell, while sexual purity is manifested in a good smell. Stories about Rabbi Akiva and his student who had sexual experiences associated with various scents enhance the relationship between nature, culture and religion. They represent the outlook whereby the definition of a smell as good or bad does not follow natural standards rather has religious undertones and depends on one's moral powers.


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Biografía del autor/a

Abraham Ofir Shemesh, Ariel University

Senior Lecturer in Facultaty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ariel University.


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Cómo citar

Shemesh, A. O. (2018). Two Stories about Rabbi Akiva and His Student and Their Sexual Experiences: on Bad Odors as a Sign of Sexual Promiscuity. Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital De Estudos Judaicos Da UFMG, 12(23), 145–159.